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ment by my sister in order to marry my mum.

She got to live back in the city and dance the afternoons and evenings away with Bill. They taught senior citizens to ball room dance, ran tea dances to raise money for guide dogs for the blind, and had much joy for 20 years together.

Mum, you’ve no idea how much your energy and enthusiasm for life, your care for others, your humor, your love for music and dance and the needy helped shape me. In some ways I still feel like “your little girl.”

—Christine Bird, Mutual 5

Mom, Happy Mother’s Day. Your whole family loves you so much. Thank you for all that you have done for us. You have been the best Mom and Nana anyone could ask for. Can’t wait to spoil you on your day. You have been the rock of this family. Thank you for all the fun times that we have shared, can’t wait to make many more with you. We love you so much.

—Melody and Brent Lizarraga, and Cassie, Melvin, Bella and Michael Mendez

Mother’s Day is a wonderful day to remember one of the most important women in my life! I am Shirlene Wallis’ only child, so she gave me all of her love and attention while growing up.

My mom introduced me to Christianity and taught me about the love of God from the day I was born. My mom has always been there to help me with my three children.

She continues to be a big part in my life and the lives of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. I feel very blessed to have her as my mom, and it is great living close to her and spending more time with her!

—Debbie Casper, Mutual 3

She raised 10 children and was an amazing mom to all of us. Miss her everyday!

—Mary Ellen Fuller, Mutual 2

To Irvene Bernstein, Mutual 15

This is easy—the biggest compliment I can get is someone telling me I’m just like my mother or that I sound like my mother or I sing like my mother: off key, knowing all the words and loudly!

—Perri Brackett, Mutual 15

To Everlinda Garcia, Mutual 9

My sister and I struck gold when God gave us our Mom. Everilda Garcia, known by her friends as “Evelyn,” has lived in LW for five years now.

Forty years ago, my mom left a third world country with nothing more than a suitcase and very minimal money gifted by her friends and family. She, along with two young daughters (my sister Carmen and I), embarked on a new path. Through Mom’s hard work and struggles she has taught us to value of perseverance, courage, importance in education and that through hard work you can achieve anything.

Mom is a simple woman, who will give everything and anything to those in need. She will walk to the houses of those who are ill and bring them a homemade meal, will ensure she has room for those that need a place and will always be there for those in need. She has taught us that what you give you get in return, and her kindness has certainly been returned by those that know her.

Evelyn is amazing, the best mom that God could have given us, she is always there if we need her with open arms and honest support. As of today, she is still making sure my sister and I (both in our late 40s) are okay when she is no longer around.

We love you Mom, we see you, we hear you and we feel the love you have for us. Happy Mother’s Day, today and everyday.

—Ally Phillipsen and Carmen Garcia

To Essie Mildred Bohannan Carter

My mother was born on the Fourth of July in the year 1909. She grew up in Huntsville and Fayetville, Arkansas. She had a younger brother. Her folks came to Fullerton, California, in 1928, after Essie finished her freshman year at the Arkansas university.

She met, and later married (in 1934) my father, John Cecil Carter, an Oklahoma man who came with his parents to Fullerton in the 1920s. He attended Fullerton High School and played football there. They had many adventures together. After having three children, including myself, they took many trips, especially to Yosemite National Park. They both had a great sense of humor and loved playing pranks on family members. Cecil worked long hours at the Pacific Telephone Company, so my mother would often be alone with just the three of us kids. I was still a toddler, sitting in a high chair, while my older brother and sister would quarrel about something.

All my mother had to do was look at the kitchen door window and start to get under the table where we were eating. Then all three of us kids would stop what we were doing and get under the table, too.

I needed a little help from my sister to get out of the high chair. We weren’t in any real danger, but for the rest of that night, there was peace and quiet, which my mother really needed! Ha!

—Ethel Carter, Mutual 2

To Kelley B. Song, Mutual 14

God gave us the best, most dedicated and supportive mother we could ever wish for: Kelley B. Song. Mom has always been there for us, and our dearly departed dad, Keith K. Song, as the matriarch to an immigrant family, from life in America in an SRO in 1969 toiling for years to feed us, guide us and educate us, support us as we grew into adults. She loved us all way through, to success and happiness.

Kelley is an artist, painter, ceramicist, philosopher and supporter of the arts, with a modern, whimsical eye for design and aesthetics. She’s an arbiter of great style and taste. We salute and appreciate so much our dear mother Kelley B. Song and love our beautiful mother too much to mention, for everything she has sacrificed and done for us! We love you, Umma, until the end of time! Kelley B. Song, the greatest mother on Earth... ever, we love you so much!

—Jina Asia Bautista, Mutual 14

To Thuy Do, Mutual 14

To Mom, You are the rock of our family. Your strength, wisdom, guidance is to be admired and emulated. An amazing mother and grandmother, you have taught us all what it means to love and live. Though there is only one day dedicated to celebrating and remembering mothers, we celebrate you everyday in our hearts.

You continue to thrive and flourish as you inspire everyone around you. You shine so brightly to the world in your art and your commitment to serve others as you share your faith. We are your children, but we do not have the energy to keep up with you. We love every bit of you and want to spend this Mother’s Day celebrating your love for us.

—Stephanie T. Do, Mutual 14

To Patricia Rhoades, Mutual 9

Our mom is our hero. From Eric: My dad died unexpectedly when I was 3 years old. In response to what had to be the most traumatic experience of her life, my mom, Patricia Rhoades, worked full time and put herself through nursing school to provide the best life for me and my baby sister Becky.

You don’t always see the whole picture when you are a kid, but looking back through my grownup eyes, I see a woman who sacrificed everything for her children, who made us her No. 1 priority…always! Even when I was a moody jerk of a teenager! Because of my mom I grew up to be a good man and a good father. I’m not without my flaws, but I didn’t get those from my mom. My mom is my hero.

From Becky: I second everything my brother wrote above. Mom put herself through nursing school and worked hard every day of her life to give my brother and I a good, happy, secure life.

She also loved us unconditionally, something that shouldn’t be, but is, rare. All the best things about me come from her and the example she set for us. It is truly a joy to visit her, to travel with her, to talk to her, and to be her daughter. My mom is an incredible woman and my hero.

We make sure to love, cherish, appreciate, and spoil our mom at every opportunity. Happy Mother’s Day!

—Eric and Becky Rhoades

Shirlene Wallis (l-r), Debbie Casper, baby Kinsley Ward and Hannah Ward

The family of Carol Chambers

Kelley B. Song (left) and granddaughter Audrey Song

Carmen Garcia, Everlinda Garcia and Ally Phillipsen

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