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LWer receives Catholic honor

LWer receives Catholic honor LWer receives Catholic honor

Mutual 14 resident Gretchen Dinger recently received an honor through the Catholic Charities Auxiliary of Orange County.

Dinger is a St. Anne’s Honoree at the 2023 Catholic Charities Inspirational Women Banquet. She is currently the president of the Women’s Guild, a Sacristan, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion who visits the homebound, lector, and RCIA Catechist. In identifying her reason for serving Christ and his Church, Dinger said: “I want to be a saint and to bring Jesus to everyone, every day.”

“We are blessed to have Gretchen at St. Anne’s and are inspired by her generous and faithful service to Christ and His Church” said Vikki Lyons of St. Anne’s Seal Beach.

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