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Learn more about Meals on Wheels OC

Learn more about Meals on Wheels OC Learn more about Meals on Wheels OC


Darla Olson, vice president of advancement at Meals On Wheels Orange Count,y will speak at the Sunshine Club’s meeting on Friday, May 12, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

Olson is responsible for funding development, corporate and community relations, marketing, branding, as well as overseeing the communications for the organization.

Meals on Wheels Orange County’s mission is to nourish the wellness, purpose, and dignity of older adults and their families in the community. The organization is the largest nonprofit provider of nutrition and supportive services for at-risk older adults.

Meals On Wheels Orange County is committed to erasing hunger and loneliness for at-risk older adults through nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks, and keeping families together through day services. Through its critical services, the organization delivers one million meals to more nearly 15,000 at-risk older adults each year throughout 20 Orange County cities.

Olson brings a commitment to excellence and a passion for Meals on Wheels Orange County. She cares deeply about older adults and believes that educating the community and raising awareness and resources can help elderly neighbors live with independence in the homes and communities they love.

Olson will give a presentation to the Sunshine Club about how Meals on Wheels Orange County provides so much more than what it is known for by addressing the issues of hunger and isolation in older adults. She will explain the services and qualifications for Meals On Wheels Orange County’s home delivered meals and case management programs such as Meals on Wheels, Senior Lunch Café, Friendly Visitor, Adult Day Health Care and Adult Day Services programs.

All Leisure World residents are welcome to join this meeting. The Sunshine Club does not require membership fees, although donations are welcome. Refreshments will be served at the meeting.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at 562-3015339.

Darla Olson

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