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Grace Holdaway won all 7 games

Grace Holdaway won all 7 games Grace Holdaway won all 7 games


The Cribbage Club meets on Tuesdays from noon-4 p.m. in Clubhouse 1. New members are always welcome.

Total scores were higher than usual May 2. Grace Holdaway earned her first star, winning all seven games played scoring a perfect total of 847. Wanda Bemben was a close second with 846, followed by Hoppy Hopkins, third with 843; and Bea Lissow, fourth with 837.

Members celebrated the birthday of Patti Smith, who provided cake and ice cream. Margaret Smith assisted her in serving 52 members of the club refreshments at noon. Potsy Frank donated a huge container of coffee creamer. The club appreciates the donations.

Members welcomed new member Jim Schneiderman. New members are always welcome. Call and leave a message with Terry Thrift at 714-3945885 to how to play cribbage, brush up on the game or learn more about the club; 2023 dues are $5. To join, see any of the officers at the check-in desk before play begins.

—Terry Thrift

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