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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The LW Democratic Club will meet on Wednesday, May 24, in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, at 1 p.m. Club members and supporters can join in person, online or by phone. Login information can be obtained by emailing

Isabel Ocampo, finance director for Dave Min for Congress, will be the guest speaker at the meeting. Sen. Min is the best-known Democratic candidate currently running for Congress in LW’s District 47.

Plans are also under way to restart the Democratic Club’s “Voter Awareness Series.” These sessions—likely to be held on the third Wednesday of the month—will be primarily focused on assisting all LW Democrats and supporters who seek to understand the issues and candidates involved in the upcoming races.

The first Voter Awareness Series session will focus on the role and influence of the Democratic Party at all levels. The emphasis will be on alerting LW voters as to how they can be a part of the process.

In the 2024 primary election, all registered Democrats in Leisure World—regardless of whether or not they are a member of the club—will have the opportunity to help determine the party’s position on issues. During this election, they will elect several members of the Orange County Democratic Party Central Committee. This committee is the party’s decision-making body at the county level.

LW voters will play a significant role in the 2024 primary election. This is because of changes implemented in 2012 as to how Californians vote, led by former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Before 2012, there had typically been around seven or eight same-party candidates running for a number of open positions in every general election. Now, all voters in primary elections are able to pick any candidate on the ballot, regardless of party affiliation. Only the top two vote-getters advance to the general election.

••• The club’s information and registration booth outside Clubhouse 6 is open on the first Tuesday of each month from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Democrats and supporters can stop by the booth to show support, get more information about club activities or register to vote.

For more in-depth reporting on issues and candidates, People can subscribe to the club’s free electronic newsletter by emailing democraticclubsblw@gmail. com or calling 562-296-8521. Be sure to include full contact information, as well as party affiliation.

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