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Community Emergency Response Team

Community Emergency  Response Team Community Emergency  Response Team

At the April 28 CERT meeting about 20 people filled out a personality type questionnaire to clarify their strengths and weaknesses, especially during an emergency.

After scoring the questionnaires, CERT President Catherine O’Brien gave a very entertaining presentation of personality types and how they function in different circumstances and with each other.

During an emergency, “idealists” are good at caring for people and inspiring others. “Rationalists” are best at making strategic plans while “artisans” seek quick action and are rarely discouraged. Those who identify as “guardians” value rules, authority and stability and are excellent scribes in an emergency.

Knowing what you are best suited for and why others act as they do can help, not just in emergency situations.

The next CERT meeting is Friday, May 26, at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9.

The topic will be “Dealing with a Power Outage.” All LW residents are invited.

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