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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Meetings for the Atherton Ward are held at 6500 E. Atherton St., in Long Beach. The sacrament service is held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m., followed in the second hour by Sunday School on the first and third Sundays, Relief Society and Elders Quorum on the second and fourth Sundays. Primary classes for children are held every Sunday during the second hour.

Members who are unable to attend Sacrament services in person can request a link from Bishop Mike Gravley at 562-212-8641.

The reading source for this year is the New Testament. The reading assignment for the week of May 15-21 is Matthew 21–23, Mark 11, Luke 19–20 and John 12.

The devotional, “Come, Follow Me” says “The Savior was hungry after traveling from Bethany to Jerusalem, and a fig tree in the distance looked like a source of food. But as Jesus approached the tree, he found that it bore no fruit.

“In a way, the fig tree was like the hypocritical religious leaders in Jerusalem: their empty teachings and outward demonstration of holiness gave no spiritual nourishment. The Pharisees and the scribes appeared to keep many commandments, yet missed the two greatest: to love God and to love thy neighbor as thyself.”

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