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Assembly of God

Assembly of God Assembly of God

Service/Gathering Times:

Sunday morning at 10:30 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Wednesday Bible study is at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Hymn Sing is held on fourth Sunday of the month in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby at 6 p.m.

This week’s sermon: LW Assembly of God will honor all mothers, whether they have given birth to a child or fulfill the role of mother in someone’s life. God gifted women with the ability to bring life into the world, and with that ability comes great responsibility and a good bit of fear. “Being a mother is learning about strengths you never knew you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed,” said Michelle Duggar.

God so valued mothers that he included Mary in his plan to redeem the world. The Bible is full of examples of women who served God in their role as a mother. Pastor Chuck Franco will present a sermon titled “Happy Hannah,” found in 1 Samuel 1:1-28, to tell the redemptive story of a woman who went from grief to joy.

Bible Study: “The Book of Acts,” by Louie Giglio, will bring fresh insight to familiar passages of Scripture. As students delve deeper into the study of the early church, they discover new ways Scripture applies to their lives today. The early church turned the then-known world upsidedown. It is time for today’s church to help turn this world right-side up.

Contact: More information about the church can be found


Those who would like prayer, personal contact from a pastor or a DVD of the Sunday morning sermon can contact pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco by calling 562-357-4360 or emailing pastorchuck@lwassemblyofgod. com. Carolyn van Aalst is also available at 562-343-8424.

Pastor Chuck’s sermons can be accessed on the Faithlife app under “Leisure World Assembly of God,” where people can also give online.

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