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New benefits available in wake of COVID pandemic


by Sandra Teel

special to the LW Weekly

Now that the pandemic has been declared officially over, here are some changes you can expect:

• If you are on Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California), you will be receiving information from the State Medicaid (Medi-Cal) program so they can reassess your eligibility to continue to receive these state benefits. They may call you, or send you paperwork in the mail or an email. It is especially important that they have a current phone number and address.

LWers should be looking for this information. When you receive the information packet, it is important that you respond in a timely manner with your updated information. Some people will be automatically renewed, but don’t assume you were renewed unless you receive a letter saying so with a new Medicaid (Medi-Cal) card.

• You may even get a phone call or information from your current Medicare Insurance company reaching out to help you re-qualify for your Medicaid.

• If you or someone you know is denied renewal of your Medicaid (Medi-Cal), call a specialist or me at 657-204-4224 to discuss options.

Other Medicare changes include:

• You may need to pay for those at-home COVID test kits now. Some COVID tests ordered in a doctor’s office will be covered.

• COVID treatments like Paxlovid will still be covered for beneficiaries through their prescription drug plans. However, there may be a co-pay for the prescription.

• Free telehealth video chats with doctors or healthcare providers will still be in place until the end of 2024. Before the pandemic, telehealth usually came with a cost.

• A Medicare provision that allows hospitals to treat patients in their homes instead of on-site is extended until the end of 2024. This effort began in November 2020 to free up hospital beds.

• Beginning 2024, Medicare will expand the types of behavioral and mental health providers it covers: added to the list are intensive outpatient mental health services.

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