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Men’s Golf League

Men’s Golf League Men’s Golf League

Friday golf at the Riverview Golf Course

On April 14, two golfers challenged the 5,600-yard par 70 Riverview Golf Course in Santa Ana. The weather was cool and overcast, which was nothing new for the last two months. Significantly, during this round, Jim Goltra had a rare hole-in-one on the 150-yard second hole.

For weeks during the recent rains, the Santa Ana River, which runs through the middle of the golf course, was a raging torrent and only allowed half the course to be reached due to high and fast flowing water. This week the water flow has ceased and the course reverted to its original condition with one change to a par 5, which became a par 3 because its fairway was nearly washed away.

The players welcomed the challenge of the restored course and scoring was quite good with birdies by Goltra, Sam Choi, Clay Fischer, and Fujio Norihiro. Goltra was also closest to the pin on the par 3 second hole (by virtue of his hole-in-one) and Fischer was closest on the par 3 ninth. Choi had fewest putts in the A flight and Tom Ross had fewest in B.

Flight A winners: First place was a tie between Choi and Norihiro with a sensational 7 under 63; second: Fischer, a well-played four under 66; third: LaCascia, a hard-earned two under 68; fourth: three-way tie between Bill McKusky, Chris Lankford, and Goltra at even par 70.

Flight B winners: First place: three-way tie between Ross, Ron Jackson, and Bob Munn, an excellent five under 65; second: Lowell Goltra with a terrific four under 66; third: Gene Vesely, a sweet one under 69.

Monday Golf at Meadowlark Golf Course

On April 17, 12 golfers contested the 5,800-yard par 71 Meadowlark Golf Course in Huntington Beach. In the last two months, rains saturated the grounds and left some areas unplayable. This week only two small areas remained flooded, and the fairways are return ing to their original conditions. The greens were in great shape throughout.

Scores were generally higher than normal due to the cool and overcast conditions, and the wind made the back nine more difficult. Also, numerous water hazards and sandtrapsaddedtothe challenge of errant or poorly positioned approach shots.

LaCascia and Larry Hillhouse had two birdies each, plus Choi and Norihiro had one. McKusky and Norihiro tied for fewest putts in the A flight, and Lowell Goltra had the fewest putts for the B flight. Ellic Vaden was closest to the pin on the par 3 seventh hole and Norihiro was closest on the par 3 twelfth hole.

Flight A winners: First place was a tie between Fischer and Hillhouse, a terrific six under 65; second: McKusky, a well-played three under 68; third: Norihiro, a nice one under 70; fourth: tie between Choi and LaCascia, a well-played even par 71; fifth: Jim Goltra, at one over 72.

Flight B winners: First place: Vaden with an excellent eight under 63; second: Gene Vesely, a first-rate seven under 64; third: Bob Munn, a nice even par 71; fourth: Lowell Goltra; fifth: Digna Vesely.

The Monday and Friday Golf Leagues play at four local courses, all within 15-20 minutes of Leisure World. The courses the group plays are always quite full, so advance league reservations are required with a sign-up sheet available at each round.

There is a prize pool for each round that players are not obligated to enter. Rewards are given for low net in each flight, birdies, closest to the pin on two par threes, and for the lowest number of putts in each flight. Holes-in-one and Eagles (two under par), although infrequent, are generously rewarded. Those interested can contact Gary Stivers at 714-313-3697 or Dave LaCascia at 801-674-5975.

—Dave LaCascia

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