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LW Women’s Golf

LW Women’s Golf LW Women’s Golf

On April 18, 34 members of the LW Women’s Golf Club (LWWGC) competed in a weekly tournament for low gross, low net and putts.

Flight A winners were: low gross: Devora Kim, 25; low net: Linda Herman, 26 and 13 putts. Also for low gross: Margie Thompson and Janice Turner, 26; and Zoe Pickell and Susie Kim also had 13 putts.

Flight B: low gross: Nancy Reid, 30; low net: Sang An, 25; and Mary Greig had 13 Putts.

Flight C: low gross: Sally Park, 32; low net: Marilyn Hewitt, 23 with 12 putts.

Flight D: low gross: Elizabeth Butterfield, 38; low net: Connie Kang, 22; and Patti Smith had 17 putts.

LWWGC will have a special, shotgun tournament on Tuesday, May 2, with all golfers starting a 8:15 a.m. Those interested must sign up in golf starter clubhouse. There will be a gathering at Clubhouse 1 picnic area following the tournament.

Anyone interested in joining the Women’s Golf Club can obtain an application from the golf course starter or contact club treasurer Margie Thompson at 562-493-0484 for more information.

—Liz Meripol

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