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Leisure Time Dancers

Leisure Time  Dancers Leisure Time  Dancers

The Leisure Time Dancers meet every Monday in the Clubhouse 6 dance studio at 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.

In week three of the current class series, the East Coast Swing class focused on refining the three move sequence of pivots.

Many of the Leisure Time Dancers members displayed their new moves at the Velvetones dance on Sunday.

The tango class built a new five movement sequence, introducing the Corté, and culminating with the Open Box, which the class learned the previous week.

Since each class begins with a review of the previous week’s material before moving on to new concepts, folks can join at any point in the series. This is a friendly class for everyone, from never-danced-before beginners to advanced dancers.

When new dancers join, an introduction to the basics is included with the review. Classes are every Monday in the dance studio, upstairs in Clubhouse 6.

East Coast Swing is at 2 p.m., followed by tango at 3 p.m.

No partner necessary, class will rotate so everyone dances. $7 per person for one class, $11 per person for two classes in a single day.

For more information, contact Jackie Theis, Leisure Time Dancers president, at 310-7439373.

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