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GRF Meetings

Golden Rain Foundation committee and board meetings are open to Leisure World residents. The following is a tentative schedule.

Mon., May. 1 Recreation Committee Conf. Rm B/virtual........................... 1 p.m.

Tues., May 2 Information Technology Services Conf. Rm A ..................................... 10 a.m.

Wed., May 3 Physical Property Committee Conf. Rm B/virtual........................... 1 p.m.

Thu., May 4 GRF Executive Session Conf. Rm A ....................................... 1 p.m.

Mon., May 8 Mutual Administration Committee Conf. Rm A/virtual .......................... 1 p.m.

Fri., May 12 Architectural Design Review Committee

Conf. Rm A/virtual .......................... 1 p.m.

A quorum or more of the directors may be present, only to listen and observe, and no formal board action will be taken at committee meetings. Attendees will be provided an opportunity to address the committee. Residents are welcome to attend committee meetings but GRF executive sessions are closed to the public.

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