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GRF Board Recap-April 25 Meeting

The following is a recap of the GRF Board meeting held on April 25 in Clubhouse 4. Approved Consent Agenda

MOVED and approved the minutes of the GRF Board of Directors Minutes, March 28, 2023; accept the Interim Financial Statements, March 2023, for Audit; and approve Reserve Fund Investment Purchase. General—Accept Donation from The Friends of the Library MOVED to accept the donation of $7,500 from The Friends of the Library. Capital Funding—Perimeter Wall Around Frontier Building MOVED to Authorize funding to share the cost of replacing the Perimeter Wall with Frontier using their contractor, CRA, and add $10,000 contingency for a total cost not to exceed $211,530, capital funding, and authorize the President to sign the contract. Capital Funding—Clubhouse 6—Wall Mount Fans in Fitness Center Dance Room MOVED to Award a contract to Kress Construction to install three standard receptacles for fans, one 120v 20amp circuit for fans, provide two global industries wall mount fans for $4,081 plus a 20% contingency for a total cost not to exceed $4,897.20, capital funding, and authorize the President to sign the contract. Operational Funding —Three-Year Contract—Community Facilities Pest Control Service MOVED to Award a contract to Fenn Termite and Pest Control to provide pest control and termite inspection and localized treatment for all Trust property buildings for a three-year period at a cost of $60,870 operational funding and authorize the President to sign the contract. Operational Funding—Holiday Contract

MOVED to Award a contract to Magical Holiday Designs as presented at a cost not to exceed $30,995 operational funding and authorize the President to sign the contract. Reserve Funding—Clubhouse 3 Kitchens and Rooms MOVED to award a contract to Vickers Construction for replacing countertops, painting meeting rooms, installing GRF provided appliances (estimated cost $32,000) and installing new blinds in Rooms 1-8 in Clubhouse 3 at a cost of $75,600. Also have Service Maintenance install a storage closet adjacent to Room 9 in the main lobby and replace lighting with LED type for a cost of $9,000 and at a cost of $6,000 for installation of a television for a total cost not to exceed $138,710, reserve funding/capital funding, and authorize the President to sign the contract. Cost Recovery—Approve Homewise Docs Schedule of Fees MOVED to approve Homewise Docs Schedule of Fees, as presented. Amend 30-1001-5, Glossary Terms MOVED to Amend 301001-5, Glossary Terms: Authorized Resident, Commercial Worker, Contractor, Emotional Support Animal, Employee, Member, Member/Owner, Non-Resident, Occupant, Owner, Pet, Renter/Lessee, Resident, Service Animal, Service Provider, Shareholder/Stockholder, Vendor, and Visitor; and to add definitions for Director, Executive Director, Lessor Member, Qualified Resident and Governing Documents, as presented. Final Vote: Ratify 70-1411-1, Facility Reservations Item was removed as of April 21. Final Vote: Ratify 70-1406-2, Limitations of Use of Trust Property-Fees Item was removed as of April 21. Rescind Existing Charters for the Foundation’s Standing Committees MOVED to rescind the following committee charters, effective as of June 15, 2023: 10-5160-3, Architectural Design and Review Committee; 20-5118-3, Information Technology Services Committee; 20-5125-3, Communications Committee; 30-5110-3, G R F Administration Committee; 30-5167-3, Strategic Planning Committee; 30-5180-3, Governing Documents Committee; 40-5115-3, Finance Committee; 50-5165-3, Mutual Administration and Service Maintenance Committee, 60-5130-3, Physical Property Committee; 70-51353, Recreation Committee; 805145-3, Security, Bus and Traffic Committee. Adopt Committee Charters

MOVED to Adopt the following charters assigning responsibilities and limitations to the four standing committees that will report to the GRF Board of Directors and establish the four committees’ starting date of June 15, 2023; 10-1000-3, Administration Committee Charter; 20-1000-3, Facilities Committee Charter; 30-1000-3, Services Committee Charter; 40-1000-3, Operations Committee Charter.

The next board meeting will be May 23 at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 4.

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