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GAF pulled out all the stops for its 50th anniversary

GAF pulled out all the stops for its 50th anniversary GAF pulled out all the stops for its 50th anniversary

by Cheryl Falconer

LW contributor

On April 22, The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) hosted a celebration to commemorate its 50th years of service to the Leisure World community. The event was extremely well attended, with an estimated crowd over 750 residents and guests.

The event kicked off outside Clubhouse 6 at 10 a.m. with the graceful movements in the dancers of the Hui O Hula Club. Next, in their first public appearance, the mellow tropical sounds of the Aloha Club Ukulele Players entertained the crowd under the canopies in the warm morning air. There was also face painting available for the young at heart.

Inside Clubhouse 6, the opening ceremony got underway at 11 a.m. with a warm welcome and a short speech by GAF President Anna Derby who expressed her gratitude to the generous benefactors who donated to the Golden Age Foundation over the years. She also recognized the dedication and work of past and present members of the GAF Board of Directors and the countless volunteers for their time and talents over the past half century to the GAF and noted that they have made LW better place for residents to live.

In his address, Seal Beach Mayor Thomas Moore reflected on the remarkable accomplishments of the Golden Age Foundation over the years. He pointed out that the Centenarian Luncheon events the GAF hosted in 2019 and 2022 were truly community services that lifted spirits of those who turned 100 years or older.

State Sen. Janet Nguyen presented Anna Derby and the GAF, with a Certificate of Recognition for 50 years of service to LW residents. In her speech, Nguyen spoke of the tireless efforts of GAF volunteers and pointed out what a gift that was to the community.

The final speaker of the day was GRF President Marsha Gerber, who presented Anna Derby with a plaque to commemorate the GAF’s 50th anniversary and addressed the crowd.

At 11:30, residents were treated to a hot dog lunch served by Koffel Food Trucks, a Leisure World favorite. There was also a Lucille’s Barbecue food truck at the event with a tasty selection of barbecue food items to purchase. Both indoor and outdoor dining was available, although most chose to dine al fresco to enjoy the warm spring breeze and music by the Second Wind, the third act of the day.

A poster presentation lined the walls of Clubhouse 6 memorializing past programs and events sponsored by the GAF. Volunteers were available to provide information to attendees. Linda Johnson, the GAF historian, displayed photo albums from the GAF historical archives for residents to view. Beth Greeley, the GAF IT chair, assembled a collection of video clips from past events for residents to enjoy.

Mobility Aid Program volunteers showed off a variety of mobility aids available for loan and answered residents’ questions.

There were a total of 10 tables on display which included Golden Age Foundation, Optum Health Care, Elim Acupuncture Group, More Prepared—which sells ready-made Go Bags—the Korean American Association, the City of Seal Beach, Financial Partners Credit Union, Alzheimer’s Association of Orange County and the LW CERT and Emergency Information Council.

The final act of the day, Coconut Breeze, took the stage at 12:45 and entertained the crowd through the remainder of the event. Eight Video Producers Club members circulated throughout the day to memorialize the festivities on film and in photos. The event concluded at 2 p.m., and a good time was had by all.

The GAF thanks everyone involved in the event. A special thank you is in order for GRF Recreation Manager Tommy Fileto, his staff and sound technician Jesse Gomez for their hard work from beginning to end to insure everything was seamless.

Those who want to donate or are interested in volunteering can call 562-431-9589 to leave a message and a GAF phone distributor will return the call within 24-48 hours.

The Golden Age Foundation tax ID number is 23-7273105, the address is P.O. Box 2369, Seal Beach, CA 90740.

For more information about the GAF, go to www.

LEFT: GAF President Anna Derby (l) accepts certificate from State Sen. Janet Nguyen. RIGHT: Mutual 1 residents Betty West (l) and Alphonso Gonzalez came to the event to enjoy good food and fun entertainment.

The GAF invited multiple entertainers and acts to preform during the event, including the Aloha Ukulele Club.

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