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Woman’s Club

Woman’s Club Woman’s Club

The past year for the Leisure World Women’s Club has been productive. Between the club’s fundraising event and generous gifts and donations from members and friends, the club can increase its contributions to many charities including the Leisure World Library, Precious Life, the Impaired Vision and Hearing Club, Interval House and other organizations that make life better for Leisure World residents and those in need outside Leisure World.

The Woman’s Club in Leisure World is a nonprofit, philanthropic organization with approximately 140 members. Meetings are held monthly, October through June, and include an outside professional entertainer followed by refreshments.

The club additionally hosts special events such as Bingo, fundraisers, special luncheons and more scheduled throughout the year.

Women who are Leisure World residents are welcome to visit two meetings to see what the club is all about before becoming members. The club’s annual dues are $25.

To learn more information about the Leisure World Woman’s Club, contact Kathy Russell at 949-293-7517.

—Beth Greeley

LW Woman's President Rose Sprague (center), Nancy Barber and Darlene Brideau with Anothony Bernasconi.

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