Hui O Hula celebrates 19th anniversary with Green Rose Hula
Hui O Hula, which means “Hawaiian dance group,” celebrated its 19th year in Leisure World on March 17. The Board has decided not to have a party and will wait until next year, in 2024, to celebrate its 20th anniversary.
It is always a tradition to dance the “Green Rose Hula” on its anniversary in class. This year, teacher Jojo Weingart has incorporated ipu (gourd drums) in the choreography. Nearly everyone in the Hui knows this dance.
Hui O Hula also wishes Shigemi “Susie” Yokimi (left of flag), old-timer Josephine O’Rourke (right of flag), and Lori Chamberlain (next to Josephine) happy March birthdays.
Everyone, including na kan (men), is welcome to learn traditional hula. Lessons are offered on Tuesday, upstairs in Clubhouse 6; and on Thursday, at Veterans Plaza or, when the weather is bad, inside Clubhouse 3. Both classes start at 1 p.m. Call 562-431-2242 or email Jojo@huiohula. com for more information.
Another class subject this month is Pua Ahihi. Everyone, including the Hui’s newest dancers, has learned this romantic hula. Dancers are now learning to add feeling to the dancing as the lyrics go, “It is a precious love that comes to me, a fragrance that teasing the heart.” Pua Ahihi will be part of the repertoire this spring, at the GAF’s 50th anniversary as well as Mutual 12’s annual luncheon.
—Jojo Weingart