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U.S. Naval Academy Glee Club returns to Long Beach church


About 10 years ago, many Leisure World residents traveled to Covenant Presbyterian Church in Long Beach to hear a concert by the incomparable U.S. Naval Academy Glee Club. The tremendously responsive crowd that evening gave them multiple standing ovations. Those who missed that opportunity to hear them in the wonderful acoustics of Covenant Church now have another opportunity.

On Friday, March 17, at 7 p.m., the Naval Academy Glee Club from Annapolis, Maryland, will present a free concert in the Sanctuary at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 607 E. 3rd St. (at the corner of Atlantic Avenue), Long Beach. The 75 singers represent Midshipmen from all three vocal performing organizations at the Academy.

These very disciplined singers participate in the Academy Glee Club as an extra-curricular activity, over and above their very heavy academic load. Audiences are thrilled with their musical performances, under the direction of Dr. Aaron Smith, chairman of the United States Naval Academy Musical Activities.

Parking in the church lots is very limited. Car-pooling and early arrival are recommended. For additional information, contact Peter Bates in Covenant’s music department at 562-4370958, ext. 130.

—Peter Bates

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