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Recap of Board Activity, Feb. 28


Approved Consent Agenda: MOVED and approved the minutes of the GRF Board of Directors Minutes, January 24, 2023; Accept the Interim Financial Statements, December 2022 and January 2023, for Audit; Approve Reserve Fund Investment Purchase; Approve Association Reserves Loyalty Update Plan; Approve Purchase of Pre-paid Dynamics Technical Support Package; Authorize Transfer of Reserve and Operating Funds Per Civil Code 5502; Ratify Postage and Folder Inserts Lease; and Ratify Group Benefits.

General - Amend 40-5061-2, Fees: MOVED to approve amended language that starting January 1, 2023, 100 percent of amenities fees collected will be apportioned to the Foundation’s Reserve Fund and requiring the Finance Committee’s review of the distribution of the Amenities Fee during the annual budgeting process.

Capital Funding - 1.8 Acre Design and Cost Study: MOVED to award contracts for $26,650 to Farmscape for design development, and $30,500 to Anacal Engineering Co. for developing construction documents for the proposed 1.8 Acres Garden Site and authorize the President to sign the contracts. Including a $5,000 contingency, the total funding is not to exceed $62,150.

Capital Funding - Holiday Tree: MOVED to approve the purchase of a new holiday tree from Magical Holiday Designs with installation and storage for a total cost not to exceed $15,800.00 and authorize the President to sign the contract.

Capital Funding - Real Estate Sales Office Sign: Motion FAILED to award a contract to MJ Jurado to install a sign requested by the ADR Committee for the Sales Office at the Leisure World main gate. Cost not to exceed $8,500 adding $1,000 contingency and authorizing the President to sign the contract.

Capital Funding - Robotic Pool Cleaner: MOVED to approve purchasing a robotic pool sweep for the Aquatic Center at a cost not to exceed $5,363.00.

Reserve Funding - New Buses: MOVED to approve the purchase of four (4) buses from A-Z Bus Sales as presented, at a total cost not to exceed $487,799.00. Purchase funds will comprise $307,100 from the Reserve Fund that the Board approved March 22, 2022, for three buses that were never delivered; a $126,496.00 donation from the Golden Age Foundation, the purchase price for one bus and the $3,000.00 associated DMV fees; and an additional $54,381 from the GRF Reserve Account to account for price increases in the updated proposal from A-Z Bus Sales, and a contingency appropriation of $9,000 for three buses' anticipated DMV fees.

Reserve Funding - Facilities Department Pickup Trucks:

MOVED to approve purchasing (4) four Chevy trucks at a total cost not to exceed $243,000 and to authorize the Fleet Manager to purchase them as soon as administratively feasible.

Reserve Funding - Service Maintenance Utility Vehicles:

MOVED to approve the purchase of two Club Car 710 LSVs at a total cost not to exceed $54,304.02

Reserve Funding - Clubhouse Two Refrigerator Replacement:

MOVED to replace the refrigerator in Clubhouse Two at a cost not to exceed $17,000.00.

Cost Recovery - TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-1411-1, Facility Reservations: MOVED to amend policy 70-1411-1, Facility Reservation updating language throughout as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on April 25, 2023.

Cost Recovery - TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-1406-2, Limitations on Use of Trust Property – Fee: MOVED to amend policy 70-1406-2, Limitations on Use of Trust Property – Fee, adding new, Fees for Clubhouse Facilities Setups and Teardown as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on April 25, 2023.

Administration Committee Amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms: MOVED to amend policy 30-1001-5 - Glossary of Terms: amending Amenities Fee, Assessment, Budget, Default, Eligibility, Escrow, Orientation, and Trust Property Use Fee (TPUF); and adopting new terms: Deed, Dues, Fee, Identification Card, Management Agreement, Non-Standard Items, Orange County User Fee (OC User Fee), Penalty, Special Assessment and Standard Items, as presented.

Amend 30-5167-3, Strategic Planning Committee Charter:

MOVED to amend policy 30-5167-3, Strategic Planning Committee Charter, as presented.

Adopt 30-5700-3, GRF/Mutual Associates Panel Charter:

MOVED to adopt policy 30-5700-3, GRF Mutual Associates Panel Charter, as presented.

Ad Hoc Committee Disband Website Development Ad Hoc Committee: MOVED to accept the final report of the Website Development Ad Hoc Committee, thank its members and the IT staff and disband the Ad Hoc Committee.

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