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New Pharmacy is Coming

The Genoa Healthcare Team of pharmacists and pharm technicians are at the Health Care Center, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. through the month of March to answer any questions about the onsite pharmacy transition.

The Good Neighbor Pharmacy closed its doors last month and Genoa Healthcare Pharmacy is coming into the site. The pharmacy team knows that change can be stressful, especially when it comes to residents’ care. While team members work on updating the pharmacy, they want to make sure residents have support for their prescription needs. Pharmacists and technicians are working with doctors and specialists to make sure people’s medicines will be available when needed.

Residents are welcome to stop by the HCC or call Genoa at 424-282-2035 for more information or to sign up for pharmacy services. People can also contact to get started. The Genoa Healthcare team looks forward to being a new partner in Leisure World.

—from Genoa Healthcare

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