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LW Bike Club Group B ….

LW Bike Club Group B …. LW Bike Club Group B ….

LW Bike Club Group B members (back row, l-r): Maryann Mur - ray, Mary Bergeron, Ron Kellett, Suzanne Gravois, and (front row, l-r) Yasmin Meral, Lucy Cyza and Susanna Jianto rode their bikes to Bolsa Chica State Beach last month despite the rain and debris along the way. The club meets on Sundays (with breakfast), Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the North Gate at 9 a.m. Everyone must wear a bicycle helmet and safe shoes. For more information, call Mary Romero at

562-810-4266 or Lucy Czra at 818-209-5075.

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