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What’s up with Recreation?


by Kathy Thayer

Recreation Manger

It’s a new year and some changes are either in the works or under discussion in the Recreation Committee.

If you are a golfer, you may have noticed some new or familiar faces around the course. Under a new program, our Relief Fitness Attendants are being deployed as Golf Ambassadors at random times during their shifts. They are out there to get to know the golfers, their concerns, and to pitch in on fixing divots and raking sand traps.

Although they are not golf marshals, they will be checking for violations and reporting them to the starters for intervention when needed. Primarily, their role is public relations and illustrating the proper technique and etiquette to newer golfers, like divot repair. Please welcome them when you see a safety vest and GRF ball cap.

An issue Recreation has been dealing with for a long time is increasingly large and timeconsuming setups for clubs and organizations meeting in our clubhouses.

With our new three-year custodial contract topping $6 million and assessments rising, we are faced with looking for avenues to cut costs.

This month, the Recreation Committee will be considering a proposal to recoup the cost of excessive reservation setups by

AMENITIES, page 2 billing the club or organization for any setup or teardown that exceeds 30 minutes of a custodian’s time.

We are well aware that we are the only community of our type that does not charge for reservations (except for outside organizations) and those that do, charge separately for setups.

The Recreation Committee will consider whether it is fair for the whole community to bear the cost of excessive setups or if the organization booking the space should be responsible.

Currently, there are groups requiring up to three hours setup plus teardown. This is particularly a problem when another large group, with a different layout, is scheduled right after, as more time is needed between reservations to accommodate both groups and may reduce the amount of time we can allow them to use the space.

Then, too, with the increased demand comes the necessity for buying more equipment to satisfy the clubs’ requirements.

We welcome the thoughtful, respectful opinions of our residents. LWers are invited to attend the next Recreation Committee meeting, either in person or via live stream, at 1 p.m. in Conference Room B on the first Monday of the month to share your thoughts or just to keep in the “know” of what’s up with Recreation.

For further information, email

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