Margaret Scammell 1922-2023 ….

Margaret Scammell 1922-2023
Margaret Scammell, an ex- long- time Leisure World resident in Mutual 5, passed away Wednesday night on Jan. 18. She was 100 years old and had been residing in Sunrise Senior Living home in Seal Beach since February 2012. She passed peacefully, comfortably, and without pain.
Margaret was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on June 26, 1922. She met and married William Scammell, and they were married for 46 years. He brought her to California to be with family. They bought a home in Lakewood. It was the early 1960’s when they moved into Leisure World.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Bill, four sisters and two brothers. Her favorite childhood memories were sharing a room with her sister, Bea, and family gatherings putting together puzzles or games. She and Bea were extremely close and in later years she visited her in Canada where she fixed up an apartment in Bea’s home.
Marg worked as a receptionist for 25 years at Farmer Brothers. They treated her like family. She retired in 1979 to take care of Bill as his caregiver. They enjoyed many visits to Disneyland and often took family member’s kids.
Marg was not only a sweet lady, but a classy one as well. She always dressed well including her springalater high heels and accessories matching each outfit. Her make up and dress were always to the tens.
She was a very crafty, gifted person. She loved to sew, knit, make dolls and do needlepoint. She would open her place to LW residents to see her crafts. She also walked all the time and worked out to tapes keeping herself in great physical shape.
Her independence meant more to her than anything. Even as dementia and then Alzheimer’s were taking over, she wanted to do “it” herself. Margaret was a very strong, special lady. We are so grateful to have had her in our lives.