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Learn about Go Bags on Friday

Learn about Go Bags on Friday Learn about Go Bags on Friday


Eloy Gomez, GRF Safety and Emergency Specialist, and LaVerne Haller from Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), will be the guest speakers at the Sunshine Club meeting on Friday, Jan. 27, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

Gomez is a certified Cal-OSHA instructor, Red Cross certified instructor, CERT instructor and a certified Emergency Management Specialist by the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI).

Haller is a registered nurse and public health nurse, Leisure World CERT member, and supporter and presenter of the emergency Go Bag.

The two will speak in detail about emergency preparedness, and specifically the importance of having an emergency Go Bag kit readily available.

All residents are welcome to join this meeting. The Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome. Refreshments will be served at the meeting. The Sunshine Club does not discuss politics or religions.

The Sunshine Club began in January 2012 with the mission of “Building Bridges For A Brighter Leisure World.” The club frequently invites guest speakers from Leisure World’s GRF departments so residents could get familiar with each system within the community. For more information, text 562-301-5339.

LaVern Haller

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