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Faith Christian Assembly

Faith Christian Assembly Faith Christian Assembly

Faith Christian Assembly is excited to invite all residents to a special musical event titled “Christian Music Through the Generations” this Sunday, Jan. 29, at 5:30 p.m. in the main sanctuary. The church’s own exceptionally gifted pianist, Earlene Leming, will lead the line up along with family members on violin, saxophone and bass guitar.

The event will showcase an anthology of Christian music over several decades during the last century beginning in the 1940s, a time still known for hymns, and continuing through the '50s and '60s, including the gospel music of Elvis Presley, tent revival songs and more. The 1970s will take people into the beginnings of the Andre Crouch era and other memorable artists. From there, attendees will hear highlights from the '80s and '90s, wrapping up a look at Christian music and its evolution during the last six decades of the 20th century.

This free show is something residents will not want to miss. People are encouraged to bring their family, friends and neighbors and enjoy a blast from the past evening of good music and friendly people.

On Wednesday, Feb. 1, Faith Christian Assembly will be hold its first health class of the year at 11 a.m. in the main sanctuary. Susan Kelleghan, a skilled and knowledgeable registered nurse, will teach the class about an often overlooked yet critical health practice: sleep. During this class, called “God’s Precious Gift of Sleep,” residents will learn about sleep’s importance and many benefits. And yes, the Bible does have something to say about sleep as well.

Faith Christian Assembly’s regular Sunday service times are at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The pre-service prayer is on Sundays at 5 p.m. The midweek Bible study held on Wednesdays at 11 a.m.

People can call the church office at 562-598-9010 for updated schedule information or to receive a free copy of the church’s newsletter. People can also read the newsletter archive and find more information about the church at

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