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Take precaution during the active coyote season

Take precaution during the active coyote season Take precaution during the active coyote season


Residents of Leisure World, Orange County and other areas of Southern California may see an increase of coyotes roaming around during the months of January and February. These months are the beginning of coyote courting season. During this season, coyotes will have an increased appetites and will likely be seen more than other months.

While coyotes may have hidden away during the storms and rainfall that occurred over the past week, there will likely be an increase in activity once the storms in Southern California have passed, according to the organization Coyotes Orange County.

It is important for residents to take extra precaution during the courting season. That means supervising your pet when they go outside, even if it’s just in the backyard. In extreme circumstances, coyotes might see household dogs as threats or competition and attack. Residents should also take care to reduce pet waste and any food or trash left outside.

Though not as often as other cities surrounding it, Leisure World does have its occasional coyote sighting. In December, there were four reported coyote sightings in the monthly security report (see page 10 in the Jan. 12 issue) and three in November (page 14 in Dec. 8 issue).

If any resident comes across an approaching coyote, it is important to immediately use negative reinforcement such as shouting, throwing rocks, spraying with a garden hose and other hazing techniques to dissuade the animal from approaching.

Once at an appropriate distance from a coyote, call Security at 562-594-4754 or the Long Beach Animal Care Services at 562-570-7387 to report the sighting. It is important not to engage with a coyote, even if it seems sick or lethargic.

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