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Orchid expert to give talk in LB

Orchid expert to give talk in LB Orchid expert to give talk in LB

The South Coast Orchid Society will present a program by Scott McGregor, “Pushing Limits: Growing Orchid Species Outdoors in Southern California”, from 7-9 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 23, at the Whaley Park Community Center, 5620 E. Atherton St. in Long Beach.

After retiring from an IT career several years ago, Scott developed expert skills in growing orchids. Southern California, with its favorable climate, is an ideal location to grow hundreds of orchid species outdoors. This is the story of an experiment to push the limits on what might be possible to grow, with a number of surprising outcomes. From this talk, people will learn about some beautiful new species they can grow and some tips and techniques on outdoor growing. The program is free and open to the public.

For more information, email southcoastorchidsociety@gmail. com.

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