Opera Club
People are invited to watch Philip Glass’s contemporary hit“Akhnaten” on Tuesday, Jan. 17, at 1:30 p.m. in the Learning Center of Clubhouse 3.
Set in Egypt of 1375 BC, it focuses on the life of an innovative pharaoh who opposed tradition by introducing monotheism. The move angers the traditional clergy and people, who resist questioning their established ways of life despite some strong arguments in favor of new ways. Margaret Gillon, the Opera Club’s new president, will talk about the beauty of sound in the absense of orchestral violins.
Act 1 opens with the passing ritual for the revered Egyptian King Amenhotep III and the crowning of his son Amenhotep IV. Other than the exchange of ruler identities, no further changes are anticipated by the people. However, the new ruler shortly announces a change of his own name to Akhnaten, along with a recognition of the sun as a powerful force along with a new worship of one god, a new temple, a new city and his devotion to one wife—the Queen Nefertiti.
In Act 2, Akhnaten proclaims his love for Nefertiti and they subsequently have six daughters to create a happy family.
In Act 3 however, it appears he is losing the following of his people, having deposed the former leaders and priests who now rally the people against him. He is subsequently overthrown.
This masterful production is in English, Hebrew and Egyptian with English subtitles. People are encouraged to wear masks indoors, if desired. No dues or fees are collected. For more information, contact Opera Club President Margaret Gillon at MargaretGI@yahoo.com or call 562-270-3844.