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LW Poetry

This feature showcases original poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members.

How Sad, How Very Sad

How sad, how very sad I ripped the page and fouled the introduction The affair ended before it began.

The chicken’s throat was cut before it had a chance to mature. How sad, how very sad The nature of what could have been was in itself not adult in nature.

Bells rang without a melody.

Children played in the church courtyard against each other.

How sad, how very sad Couples held hands without a smile between them.

Hot soup prepared with love was cold and tasteless.

How sad, how very sad A much travelled road was strewn with trash.

What could have been a beautiful interlude became a breathless tragedy.

Sleeping together, locked in embracing, ecstasy was not to be. How sad, how very sad.

—Mitch Cohen, Mutual 15

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