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Women’s Golf Club gets new president; weekly tournaments continue

Women’s Golf Club gets new president; weekly tournaments continue Women’s Golf Club gets new president; weekly tournaments continue

On Dec. 27, 40 women golfers participated in the last weekly tournament for the year 2022.They competed for low gross, low net and chip-ins. Seven women chipped the golf ball from the fairway directly into the hole.

The golf club’s new president, Pam Krug, not only scored a chip-in but made two birdies during the nine hole round. She assumed her new duties as president Jan. 1.

The flight winners were: Flight A— Low Gross: Devora Kim, 29; Low Net: A tie between Grace Choi and Stella Yoon, 25; Chip-ins: Grace Choi, Hole 2, Linda Herman, Hole 8, and Lisa Kim, Hole 9.

Flight B— Low Gross: Young Sak, 29; Low Net: A three-way tie between Jee Choi, Mary Ann Moore and Young Yoon, 25; Chip-in: Pam Krug, Hole 6.

Flight C— Low Gross: Hailee Yang, 31; Low Net: Mary Grieg, 24; Chip-in: Eullia Kim, Hole 7.

Flight D— Low Gross: Keiko Sekino, 34; Low Net: Patti Smith, 24; Chip-ins: Keiko Sekino, Hole 3 and Connie Kang, Hole 5.

Despite the freezing cold weather, 49 women golfers came to participate the weekly tourament play on Dec. 20. They competed for low gross, low net and fewest putts. During the nine hole round, three women scored 11 putts each which averaged just over one putt per hole.

The flight winners were: Flight A— Low Gross: A tie between Linda Herman and Jassca Choi, 28; Low Net: Grace Choi, 25; and fewest putts: Janice Turner, 11.

Flight B— Low Gross: Margie Thompson, 30; Low Net: Sun Lee, 24; Fewest Putts: a tie between Margie Thompson and Sun Lee, 11.

Flight C— Low Gross: A tie between Bert Thompson and Sue Yokomi, 32; Low Net: Patty Littrell, 24; Fewest Putts: Sue Yokomi, 12.

Flight D— Low Gross: Kyung Ju, 31; Low Net: Anne Walshe, 21; Fewest Putts: A three-way tie between Kyung Ju, Anne Walshe, and Myung Kim, 13.

The club plays on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.

—Dale Quinn

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