Pickleball Players Club
The Pickleball Players Club held its holiday dinner on Dec. 11. Over 70 people were in attendance. They were entertained by the “Pickletones” and enjoyed an Italian dinner hosted by the club.
The club meets on the first Sunday of each month at 5 p.m. in Clubhouse 2. Due to the New Year’s holiday, the next meeting will be Jan. 8. For more information, email lwsbpickleballclub@gmail.com
or call club President Linda Evenson at 561-577-3283.
The first free beginners lesson offered in the new year will be Jan. 10 at 10:30 a.m. at the pickleball courts. Jim Thomason will provide instruction, while the club will loan paddles and balls to players. The classes are held on the second Tuesday of each month. Those who have a spare paddle and are no longer playing, or those who borrowed one and did not return it, should contact Evenson, as the club needs more loaner paddles.
—Peggy Beste
Vindar Batoosingh and Glenn Evenson in a holiday mood.