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Women’s Golf

Women’s Golf Women’s Golf

The women’s two-week turkey shoot golf tournament began on Dec. 6, the same day that the club celebrated its Christmas luncheon.

The total score for each of the two rounds of play will determine the winners in each flight. In this week’s tournament play, 47 women competed for low gross, low net, and circle hole No. 6.

The club congratulates Sally Park who was the only golfer who hit the ball from the tee box directly within the circle surrounding hole No. 6.

The flight winners were: Flight A— Low Gross: Susie Kim, 27; Low Net: Zoe Pickell, 24.

Flight B— Low Gross: Young Yoon, 29; Low Net: A tie between Margie Thompson and Nina DeRosa, 25; Circle Hole No. 6: Sally Park.

Flight C— Low Gross: Nancy Reid, 32; Low Net: A tie between Neva Senske and Liz Meripol, 24.

Flight D— Low Gross: Patti Smith, 36; Low Net: Sandra Dedubovay.

—Dale Quinn

Women's Golf Club members Vivian Ceballos (l-r), Sue Yokomi and Maryann Moore enjoy the club's Christmas luncheon on Dec. 6.

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