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Hui O Hula

Hui O Hula Hui O Hula

HuiOHula,theLWHawaiian dance club, continues to practice safe hula and entertain in and outside the gates during the holidays. All—including men —are welcome to join its weekly lessons. On Tuesday, dancers meet in Clubhouse 6 with a lesson on basic hula at 12:30 p.m., walk-in-hula-out—a class where people can follow along with dance moves—at 1 p.m., and a regular class at 2 p.m. On Thursdays, the club holds a regular class at 1 p.m. outdoors in Veterans Plaza or, during extreme weather, inside Clubhouse 3.

Dancers are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with LW Sunshine Club on Friday, Dec. 16, and entertaining at the LW American Legion on Monday, Dec. 19. All are welcome to call 562-431-2242 for class information or to book a Hawaiian style holiday program.

The club wishes a happy December birthday to hula dancer Sara Park. She joined Hui O Hula nearly 12 years ago, as soon as she and husband, Won, retired and moved into Mutual 10 from Lake Forest. Park is the backbone of every performance, instructor Jojo Weingart said. She appreciates Park’s spirit of volunteerism immensely and admires her willingness to share her talents, which have inspired many newcomers, Weingart said. Being a volunteer is a demanding task, and the club thanks Park for contributing so much of her time, energy, and efforts to hula. “Her kindness and gentle ways have made a tangible difference in class,” Weingart said. Park is also a faithful member of the Holy Family Church.

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