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Casino Tournament Dec. 17

The Poker Club will host a Texas Hold ‘Em Casino Tournament on Saturday, Dec. 17, in Clubhouse 6 at noon. Advanceentryforclubmembers is $20 at the door, $25 for guests. Advance registrations are accepted on all regular tournament days.

The tournament is limited to 50 players. Lunch, check-in and registration will begin at 11 a.m., and play begins at noon. No late seating will be allowed.

Four tables of eight players play at the Dec. 3 tournament. The holders of the two highest hands of the day each won $10; Ernie Dinkle (KKK55) and Marvin Rolnick (JJJKK). By playing and winning the promotional hand of 7-3, Donna Hernandez won $5.

The final table players were Lem Hall, Steve Edric, Lee Pfeifer and Donna Hernandez. Donna went out first in fourth place and Lem in third place, which left Lee and Steve to play for first. In the winning hand, Steve’s hand was 99 and Lee’s hand was KK. Lee bet when the flop came 554, and Steve called. The turn was a 4, and Lee went all in. Steve called, and when the hands were turned over he could see that he was behind.

A few tense moments later, the river card was a 9. Steve won the hand and the tournament with a full house 99955. Lee, who was ahead until the river card, came in second with two pair KK99.

To play a game of Texas Hold ‘Em, join the club on the first three Saturdays of each month at 11:30 a.m. in the lobby of Clubhouse 6.

—Deborah Barner

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