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Community Church

The Missions Team at Community Church is sponsoring its annual “Sock It To ‘Em” sock drive for veterans. The team welcomes all of Leisure World’s participation in this great project. People can bring donations of new, white men and women’s socks to the worship service on Oct. 30 or Nov. 6 at 9:50 a.m. or to the church office during the week. People may also provide a cash/check offering toward the bulk discounted purchase of socks. Community Church is trying to exceed last year’s total of 200 pair of socks This week, the church will look at Luke 19:1-10 in which Jesus, on his way to Jerusalem, comes to the city of Jericho and invites one of the most despised humans in the city to host Jesus for a meal. It is a scandalous story right from the start and challenges believers to look within and at the world because it is an invitation to move forward. The future is unclear and so believers should celebrate each day that they are blessed to be alive.

As the church looks back on the past 60 years and those who went before who started and created this incredible space to gather, worship and serve in, the church also looks to the future that it is creating right now.

The church no longer requires proof of vaccination in the sanctuary; masking is optional. Community Church also offers virtual worship on Zoom and Facebook.

Those who are in need without another way to address it may call the church office at (562) 431-2503.

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