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LW Poetry

This feature showcases original poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members.

Love is

Love is letting her wear your clean shirt.

Love is sharing a sandwich and making sure she gets the larger portion.

Love is holding her hand on a walk for no other reason but to touch her.

Love is allowing her to wear your sweater even though you are cold.

Love is giving her time to rest before she prepares dinner.

Love is allowing her to have money of her own so she may retain her independence.

Love is not asking her whom she voted for.

Where is love?

What is love?

You may have just found it. However; As long as I bleed or my legs fail to keep me upright, I will remain with you.

As a child begins to focus on the stars above, I will remain with you.

The Bard of Potomac Ave. Mitch Cohen Mutual 15

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