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Know when a senior needs help

Know when a senior needs help Know when a senior needs help


Patty Barnett-Mouton, vice president of the Alzheimer’s’ Orange County, will speak at the Sunshine Club on Friday, Oct. 21, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m. The title of her speech is “Knowing when an Older Adult Needs Help—Breaking through the Taboo.” Many older adults are fiercely independent and private about their changing needs. Family and friends might notice areas where they have difficulties or are downright struggling. Join the meeting to discuss how to determine when to say something, what to say and to whom.

Barnett-Mouton has served as vice president for Outreach and Advocacy at Alzheimer’s Orange County since 2005. Prior to

Patty Barnett-Mouton that, she worked in hospice care for a number of years, and held leadership positions with American Red Cross Blood Services and with divisions of Johnson & Johnson.

All residents are welcome to join this meeting. The Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome. Refreshment will be served at the meeting.

The Sunshine Club began on Jan. 12th, 2012, with a mission of “Building Bridges for Brighter Leisure World,”and to help all residents to get along in the community and have better communication to get the most out of living in Leisure World.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 3015339.

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