your Social Security check, you ….
your Social Security check, you are engaging in Socialism. Public schools, police, fire departments, FBI, CIA, FDA, FEMA, the military and our streets and highways are some of the Socialist programs we benefit from and depend on.
Dave Silva Mutual 12 Editor:
I find it difficult not to share my thoughts about all the letters to the editor in last week’s newspaper (Oct. 6). I read them over and over and tried to put myself in each one’s feelings, in all fairness. The offenses were against the paid ad by the Republican Club and the newspaper for printing the ad. I realized that more space was given to the free comments than was given to the paid ad. The comments were like-minded and seemingly encouraged by the DMC Club, defending all the accusations in the ad as being “lies.” Both parties see things differently for sure, but that seems to be the case, especially during election years. Politics are not known for being peaceful. It is why we are encouraged to vote for our concerns and values. There were definitely accusations against the Republicans with comments such as “the despicable tactics have become the norm for Republicans everywhere, including Leisure World,” that “their god is Donald Trump” or that the “white cross is downright offensive and a local political statement.” Can any of these and more claims be verified or documented as was requested of the newspaper?
It is ignorance and denial that was responsible for the killing of six million Jews in the Holocaust. May we all be “led by truth” and not let offenses and different values divide us. Each party should be a party of peace.
Doris Sandrick Mutual 10
This letter is written as a thank you to the eight LW residents who took the time and effort to write their opinions in Letters to the Editor (Oct. 6) regarding the ad published by the LW Republican Club (Sept. 29). Their efforts were considerate, respectfully worded, logical and reasonable expressions of their opinions, qualities that have been noticably destroyed in America over the last six years.
Civility, scruples, truth and integrity now seem irrelevant to too many Americans. To the writers mentioned here, those standards are still important and for that we owe them our respect and thanks.
John Stipcich Mutual 10
I’ll start by saying I pay no attention to ads, whether in the paper or on TV, so I was unaware of the monstrosity over the Republican Club’s imprimatur in last week’s issue. And then I read this week’s Letters, which I do faithfully, and I was motivated to go back and find it.
My first thought was why was something like this allowed to go out, not discounting the freedom of speech argument. This seems not totally unlike, though on a different time scale, as shouting “fire” in a crowded theater.
My second thought was it was intended by the paper to not only provoke debate and controversy but expose the inanity and amorality of MAGA Republicans. I sincerely hope the second thought is accurate.
There was a comedian on the Jeff Foxworthy Show years ago who had a routine called Here’s Your Sign in which his imagined Holden Caufield-type crusader would, after witnessing some ridiculous behaviors, which actually the audience could identify with, hand the perpetrators signs to carry that read “I’m stupid.” I think, with this ad and certain of the “Trump Won” flags, the MAGAs furnish their own signs.
Lee Hoyt Mutual 11 Editor:
I am writing in support of Mike Stabile’s letter (Sept. 29). The Golden Rain Board of Directors has approved hike of $254 ($21.20 a month) in our annual assessment, but I suspect it won’t stop there. I suspect minimal annual assessment increases are a thing of the past, and we’ll face future considerable assessment hikes.
To allay future significant hikes in annual assessments, I support the idea of having Leisure World property earn its keep. In a past issue, it was stated that LW earns $1 million a year from leases to On-Site Home Sales and the Health Care Center. Perhaps one of the clubhouses could be leased to a restaurant for a coffee shop serving breakfast and lunch, preferably one of the clubhouses with outside seating and ample parking.
I have asked other residents if they would support a coffee shop on our property, and the responses were enthusiastic. If the coffee shop closed at 3 p.m., the clubhouse could still be available to clubs/activities in the evening.
I like Mike’s idea of a barbershop/ hair and nail salon within our walls to earn income. How about a day spa? I understand some people will not like the idea of reduced clubhouse availability, but we really need to help ourselves in some way. Other suggestions would be great!
Feliza Dixon Mutual 15 Editor:
Yesterday I met a real live angel. I was waiting for over an hour and a half for a car service to pick me up and return me to Leisure World. I was outside my dental office, exhausted, when I noticed a car parked in front with a LW decal on the window. Just then a gentleman who was also a dental patient, walked toward his car. I stopped him and asked if he would be kind enough to give me a lift to LW as I, too, lived there. Without any hesitation, he said yes. I almost broke down in tears. It’s like an angel appeared just when I really needed one.
Well, I now know that people in Leisure World are among the kindest in the world. It would have been almost impossible for me to get home. I use a walker, and I was already tired. My angel’s nickname is Barney, and if you know him, please tell him how much he helped a fellow Leisure World person.
I won’t forget him and hope he reads the LW Weekly. Bless you, Barney.
Mitch Cohen Mutual 15 Editor:
I recently visited the GAF Mobility Aids Center in Clubhouse 6 looking for a walker. What a great experience. Kudos to all the folks working there with a special shout out to Brenda, who treated me like a king. We are very lucky to have these dedicated folks working for the good all LWers.
Bob Berry Mutual 4
There is a proposal concerning use of dumpsters that is currently before GRF Board which, in part, limits who may dispose of items for a resident at the LW dumpsters (at the 1.8 Acre site). It states that a GRF ID “may” be required and that an authorized resident must be present, but that an authorized document, “such as” the GRF ID of the resident, “may” be presented by a representative of the resident. Could that be more vague? What other document could be acceptable? And who is considered a representative of the resident? Is a letter from the trustee (in the case of a deceased resident) acceptable? Is a family member an acceptable representative? If someone is hired by the resident to take items to the dumpsters, are they now the resident’s representative? Who interprets this policy? Each resident has been paying every month since they moved in for access to the dumpsters. Shouldn’t residents be able to use them? The hours of our dumpster area have already been reduced by 36 hours per week (more on a holiday week). This change in rules needs to be clarified before it is voted on. What good are rules if they are ambiguous and no one understands them?
Docia Drake Mutual 10 Editor:
This is regarding the LW Weekly story titled “Battery Recycling Service Discontinued” (Sept. 22). As Leisure World residents, we enjoy so many benefits that too often go unnoticed or are underappreciated until they vanish. The decision by the GAF to remove the convenient disposable battery drop-off boxes is one I’d personally like to see re-evaluated and reinstated. In light of the fact that the planet, and particularly California, is on fire, anything we can do as individuals to contribute to living in a healthier, more environmentally conscious community holds no dollar value.
As anyone who has dropped of hazardous waste (and I have) at the Huntington Beach Collection Site would realize, it is inconvenient, costs in gasoline and adds carbon dioxide pollution to the atmosphere. The round-trip drive amounts to a “sum negative deal.”
Thank you, GAF, for all the great services it has so generously provided over many years and know what any pittance it might cost me personally is negligible to the effects of doing nothing. Stevin Cohen Mutual 14 Editor’s Note: The GAF has just announced a quarterly battery recycling service. See page 1 for more information. Editor: I received the following letter from Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen that other residents may find helpful: She writes: “Starting in October, qualified California households will begin receiving the Middle Class Tax Refund. The Middle Class Tax Refund (MCTR) is a one-time payment to provide relief to Californians.
“If you are eligible to receive the Middle Class Tax Refund, you will automatically receive a payment. To be eligible for the payment, you must:
• Have filed your 2020 tax return by Oct. 15, 2021.
• Meet the California adjusted gross income limits.
• Have not been claimed as a dependent as a dependent on a 2020 tax return.
• Be a California resident for six months or more of the 2020 tax year.
• Be a California resident on the date that the payment is issued.
“Generally, if you filed electronically and received your 2020 tax refund by direct deposit, then you should get your payment the same way. Otherwise, you will receive your payment on a debit card.
“Payments are expected to be issued between October and January.
“For more information, call 1-800-542-9332 or visit the Franchise Tax Board’s website at For more information, call (714) 8434966 or email Assemblymember.” Brian Harmon Mutual 12