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Duplicate Bridge

With a 64.8% game Sharon Beran and Gene Yaffee were North/South winners in a fourtable game on Sept. 29. LaVonne McQuilkin and Fern Dunbar were the East/West winners with a 63.89% game.

North/South winners in the six-table game on Sept. 30 were Linda and Dick Stein with a 58% game. East/West winners were Judy Jones and Al Appel with a 53% game.

Priscilla Caillouette and Larry Topper were North/South winners in the seven-table game on Oct. 3 with a 68.11% game. Bill Brooks and Sue Fardette were the East/West winners with a 62.25% game.

Next week is championship week at the Duplicate Bridge Club—Oct. 17, 20, 21 and 22. Extra master points will be awarded at each game.

Games are played on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons in Clubhouse 1 beginning at 12:30 p.m. Players are asked to arrive no later than noon to confirm their reservations. Reservations can be made at any game using the sign-up sheets and/or by texting Dan Frank at (562) 739-6441 or by emailing him at no later than 10 a.m. on game day.

—Gene Yaffee

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