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Cribbage Club

Cribbage Club Cribbage Club

Cribbage Club treated all 43 members to ice cream and cookies on Sept. 27. Bobbie Straley added a box of chocolates to the refreshment table. Carrie Kistner and Candy Meyers served.

Margaret Smith had 28 points of a possible 29 perfect score in one hand. First place went to Sharon Rutigliano with a total of 840 points. Bobbie Straley placed second with 837 while Dolores Cook took third place with 836. Sandra deDubovay placed fourth with 830. Jack O’Brien and Lynne Sorum each won six of the seven games played while Mike Rosa lost all seven games.

The club meets each Tuesday in Clubhouse 1. Refreshments are served at noon. Members are encouraged to arrive by 12:15 p.m. to be guaranteed a place at the table. Partners are not needed. To learn how to play cribbage, brush up on the game or learn more about the club, call and leave a message with Terry Thrift at (714) 394-5885.

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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