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a clear and concise process ….

a clear and concise process for notification of all violations and the process of imposing fines for violations of the authorized residents (AR), such as parking and Rules of Conduct in accordance with the applicable sections which sets forth procedural requirements:

• § 5855 which sets forth procedural requirements

• § 4935 (b)

• § 5310 (a) (8)

• Corp. Code § 7341 § (c) (3) 2. 1. INTERNAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION (IDR) PROCESS FOR RESIDENT CONDUCT VIOLATIONSPROCEDURES Alleged violations by a MEMBER, AUTHORIZED RESIDENT (AR), QUALIFIED PERMANENT RESIDENT (QPR), or VISITOR of any rule stated in the GOVERNING DOCUMENTS will be assessed in the following manner:The procedures for Notification of Violation, Appeal Hearing, Notification of Appeal Hearing and Results of Appeal Hearing will comply with Civil Code 5855 which sets forth procedural requirements.

1.1 Violations of Member Rules of Conduct, 30-5093-1, will be initially reviewed by the GRF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and/or the GRF PRESIDENT, who may choose to: 1.1.1 Issue a warning letter to the MEMBER stating the conditions in which the MEMBER will not be referred to the COMMUNITY RULES VIOLATION (CRV) PANEL; or 1.1.2Refer the MEMBER and transmit all official information concerning the violation to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOD) for final judgment; 1.1.3Refer the MEMBER and transmit all official information concerning the violation for the CRV PANEL’s initial review.


2.1 The MEMBER OR QPR charged with the violation can pay the fine. The citation or violation notice letter will list the potential fines or sanctions.

2.2 Ifaviolationiscontested in writing to the CRV PANEL within ten (10) days of the issue date of the citation or letter, the assessment of any fines or penalties will be suspended until the appeals process is completed.

2.3 Ifthefineisnotpaid, nor a violation contested in writing within ten (10) days of the issue date of the citation or letter, the CRV PANEL will review the incident, make findings, and communicate its decision to the person charged with the violation.


3.1 AMEMBERorQPR has the right to contest the 'rules violation': 3.1.1Issued to them, or to a RENTER/LESSEE (R/L), or VISITOR who enters the community through the MEMBER or QPR’s authorization.

3.1.2or issued to those who enter the community through the authorization of the R/L, or visitor associated with the MEMBER or QPR’s residential unit.

3.2 Aninitialappealshearing will be scheduled for the next CRV PANEL meeting consistent with proper notification procedures. The appealing MEMBER or QPR may choose to attend the hearing in person or may submit a written statement concerning the rule violation notice to the CRV PANEL.

3.3 TheMEMBERorQPR appealing the citation will be presented with a written notice at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing.


The written COMMUNITY RULES VIOLATION NOTICE (citation or letter) serves as written notice of the violation and hearing (Civ. Code §5855). The following items will be set forth in the written notice: 4.1 Description of violation, including time and location of violation and possible sanctions or monetary penalties; 4.2 Thedate,time,and place of the hearing; 4.3 Astatementthatthe individual cited for a violation has a right to attend the hearing and present evidence. (Civ. Code §5855(b).); and 4.4 Notification that a 'Failure to Respond' will result in the CRV PANEL assessing the alleged violation using only the evidence the panel holds at the time of the hearing.

5. THECOMMUNITY RULES VIOLATION PANEL 5.1 Threeservingmembers of the GRF BOARD who currently do not sit as a chair of a GRF STANDING COMMITTEE will assess and rule on the merits of the violation complaint.

5.2 The three-member panel will be moderated by a GRF DIRECTOR appointed by the GRF President, or in that director’s absence, another GRF DIRECTOR designated by the GRF President.

5.3 The CRV PANEL moderator will not vote on the judgment except to break a tie caused by a panelist recusing himself or herself because of a CONFLICT OF INTEREST, or who otherwise declines to vote on the judgment. A minimum of two votes affirming a decision are needed to issue judgment against a MEMBER 6. CRVPANELHEARING DEFENSE 6.1 A MEMBER or QPR cited for a violation has the right to examine any evidence relating to their citation prior to the scheduled date of their hearing before the CRV PANEL.

6.2 MEMBERorQPRappealing a CRV violation has the right to submit their defense in writing rather than, or in addition to, appearing before the CRV PANEL. (Corp. Code 95 §7341(c)(3).)

6.3 Representation/Observers 6.3.1The CRV PANEL Session is a closed meeting. The MEMBER or QPR may request an open hearing.

6.3.2 Lawyers Under the provisions of Civil Code Section 5910(f), the MEMBER or QPR can request in writing to be assisted by a lawyer, hired at their own expense. The hearing for the person requesting a lawyer’s assistance may be delayed for a month in order to schedule the GRF lawyer’s appearance 6.3.3 Interpreters Upon written request at least ten (10) business days prior to the hearing, a MEMBER or QPR appealing a CRV violation notice may be accompanied by an interpreter. The request should specify the language required.

6.3.4 Observers A MEMBER or QPR appealing a CRV violation notice can be accompanied by a single observer who cannot participate in the appellant’s defense beyond their stated role as observer or interpreter. 6.3.5A MEMBER or QPR appealing a CRV violation notice can be accompanied and assisted during the hearing process by the MEMBER’s agent or attorney-in-fact whom the MEMBER or QPR has designated to serve as their representative in such disciplinary matters.


7.1 If, without prior notification to the CRV panel, the person who requested the appeal does not appear at the scheduled meeting or provide a written defense, the panel will assess the validity of the citation based upon the evidence or testimony the panel has received.

7.2 NoticeofDecision 7.2.1The CRV panel shall make 'findings' to support the panel's decision regarding the alleged violation. Findings may allow for issuing a warning letter; or upholding, amending, or vacating the citation. 7.2.2Notice of the panel's decision must be issued by first-class mail within 15 business days following the CRV PANEL's decision (Civ. Code §5855(c); Corp. Code §7341(c) (2).) The letter of decision shall identify the violation by date and/or number, the panel's findings, and the results of the hearing.

8. FINALAPPEAL 8.1 A person may appeal, in writing, the CRV PANEL’s decision to the GRF BOD. The BOD must receive the request for a final appeal within 25 days after the scheduled date of the initial appeal hearing. 8.1.1The Appeals Panel of the GRF BOD will comprise a quorum of the BOD. The Appeals panel will be moderated by the GRF PRESIDENT. 8.1.2A majority of the GRF BOD of Directors, or the majority of the quorum reviewing a case, shall be necessary to confirm the judgment of the CRV PANEL. 8.2 The BOD Appeals Hearing will be conducted with the procedure listed in sections 6 and 7 above. 8.3 BOD decision to uphold, alter, or waive any sanction will be final.

8.4 NoticeoftheBOD’s decision must be issued by first-class mail to the appealing MEMBER or QPR within 15 business days following their appeal hearing date.

9. FAILURE TO RESPOND 9.1 A failure to respond to a properly adjudicated VIOLATION OF COMMUNITY RULES judgment may be cited as an additional violation: 9.2 Itisafailuretorespond when a violator, who within 10 days from the date of the CRV violation, has not: 9.2.1Paid the resulting fine; 9.2.2Submitted a written request for any remaining appeal within the provisions of this rule; 9.3 It is also deemed a failure to respond when a MEMBER or QPR: 9.3.1 Has not paid any resulting fine; or requested a final appeal in writing to the BOD within 25 days after the CRV’s initial appeal hearing; or 9.3.2Within 25 days after the BOD has issued a final decision on an appeal, has not paid the fine affirmed by the CRV PANEL.

9.4 A MEMBER or QPR deemed to have failed to respond will be issued a letter by first-class mail calling them to attend an additional hearing before the CRV PANEL.

9.5 A MEMBER or QPR cited for failure to respond will have the same capacity to respond to the CRV PANEL in person, or in writing, as outlined in Section 6 above. However, the MEMBER or QPR’s statements shall only address issues involved with their failure to respond.

9.6 The CRV PANEL shall assess the failure-to-respond charge using the same criteria as outlined in Section 7 above.

9.7 The CRV PANEL shall provide the non-responding MEMBER or QPR who has failed to respond with written notice of its decision within fifteen (15) days following the hearing.

9.8 Sanctions for Failure to Respond The MEMBER or QPR who has completed the appeal processes within the procedures and time periods defined and has not paid any resulting fines shall be liable for additional sanctions.

9.8.1 The CRV PANEL, at its discretion, may determine to impose on the non-respondent an additional monetary fine, of no more than 50 percent of the unpaid fine at the time of the failure-to-respond hearing.

9.8.2 To avoid the imposition of these sanctions, all outstanding fines imposed by the CRV panel, and liable to be collected under the due process outlined above, must be paid within 25 days after the date of the CRV hearing on the MEMBER or QPR’s failure to respond.

9.8.3If the non-respondent has not paid the total fines by that date, the CRV PANEL may issue an additional letter citing the MEMBER or QRV’s failure to respond, and the MEMBER or QPR may be subject to further penalties.

9.8.4The judgment of the CRV PANEL concerning sanctions for failure to respond will be considered final.



Finance 40-5061-2 Fees

The following schedule of fees is established by the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF).


1.1. All GRF Members (owner & co-owner), Co-occupants and Qualified Permanent Residents are required to pay a one-time, non-refundable Amenities fee. 1.2. The Amenities fee for a GRF Member (owner & coowner), Co-occupant and Qualified Permanent Resident(s) co-owner, represents a use fee for access and use of the Trust facilities, amenities, and participation in GRF activities.

1.3. Non-residentco-owners do not pay an Amenities fee and have no right to use any of the facilities or amenities except as a guest of a Member where allowed. 1.4. The Amenities fee is calculated as twenty-five (25) times the monthly GRF assessment and rounded up to the nearest dollar. The Amenities fee is reviewed annually and is implemented on January 1st of each year. 1.5. ExistingGRFMember (owner & co-owner), Co-occupant non-owner(s) and Qualified Permanent Resident(s) may transfer from one unit to another without having to pay the Amenities fee again. They have thirty (30) days to complete the transfer. 1.5.1. If they relinquish their GRF membership for more than thirty (30) days, a new Amenities fee will need to be paid.

1.6. TheAmenitiesfeeshall be allocated as follows: 1.6.1. Fifty percent (50%) into the GRF Capital Improvement Fund.

1.6.2. Fifty percent (50%) into the GRF Reserve Fund.


2.1. New Members are encouraged to pay the Amenities fee in full at the close of the purchase escrow. By California statute, GRF has established a finance plan to pay the Amenities fee over a seven-year period for those Members who wish to finance the fee. 2.2. Members who opt to finance the payment of their Amenities fee must complete a Promissory Installment Note and agree to the terms of the Note. 2.2.1. If a Member opts to finance the Amenities fee, the Architectural Review Design Committee Amend 10-5160-3, Committee Charter

MOVED to amend 10-51603, committee charter updating the Goals. The two new goals are to select or approve landscape, architectural, exterior, and interior design features that will protect, preserve, improve, and enhance our assets and to keep ADA requirements in mind when making choices, as presented.

TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 30-5093-3, Authorized Resident (AR) Rules of Conduct, Procedure for Notification of Violation and Right to Hearing MOVED to amend 30-50933, Authorized Resident (AR) Rules of Conduct, Procedure for Notification of Violation and Right to Hearing, updating language throughout the document as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF board of directors on November 22.

Administration Committee TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 30-5025-3, GRF Election Procedure

MOVED to amend 30-50253, GRF Election Procedure, updating the ballot retention and adding acclamation rules as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF board of directors on November 22.

Amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms MOVED to amend 30-10015, Glossary Terms, caregiver, co-occupant, non-resident co-owner, qualified permanent resident and adding new term, permitted health care resident, as presented.

Finance Committee Approve SRO Labor Rate MOVED to increase the SRO labor rate from $47.20 to $50.00 for straight time and from $70.80 to $75.00 for overtime, effective January 1, 2023. Amend 40-5340-1, Capital Improvement Fund MOVED to amend 405340-1, Capital Improvement Fund, updating the document language, as presented.

Amend 40-5115-3, Finance Committee Charter MOVED to amend 40-51153, Finance Committee Charter, updating the document language, as presented.

TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 40-5061-2, Fees

MOVED to amend 40-50612, Fees, updating and clarifying document language, effective January 1, 2023, as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on November 22.

Information Technology Services Committee Reserve Funding Request: Computer Replacement MOVED to award a contract to Insight to replace 125 laptop and desktops and 125 dual monitor setups with single ultrawide monitors at a cost not to exceed $235,000 reserve funding and to authorize the president to sign the contract.

Reserve Funding Request: Clubhouse Four Dais Audio Visual Equipment Replacement Project MOVED to award a contract to TM AV Consulting & Integration Inc. to replace clubhouse 4 dais stations, as well as all the underlying audio/video equipment such as audio mixers and controllers, microphones, cameras, and voting system at a cost not to exceed $145,000 reserve funding and authorize the president to sign the contract.

Reserve Funding Request: IT Office Renovation

MOVED to approve option one modifications as described above, at a cost not to exceed $13,461 reserve funding and authorize the president to sign the contract.

Reserve Funding Request: Phone System Updates

MOVED to award a contract to Peterson Communication Group to replace the current phone system at a cost not to exceed $100,000, capital funding and authorize the president to sign the contract.

TENTATIVE VOTE: Adopt 20-5560-1, Surveillance Camera Policy After a brief discussion, policy 20-5560-1, Surveillance Camera Policy was returned to the information technology services committee for further review.

Mutual Administration Committee TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 50-1646-2, Stock Transfer Office Schedule of Fees

MOVED to amend 501646-2, Stock Transfer Office Schedule of Fees, updating fees throughout, effective January 1, 2023, as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF board of directors on November 22.

Physical Property Committee Capital Funding Request: Speed Cushions in Five Locations MOVED to award a contract to JB Bostick for the installation of speed cushions in five locations inside the community (El Dorado, Golden Rain, St. Andrews, Del Monte, and Thunderbird) and obtaining approval from OCFA for a total cost not to exceed $13,500, capital funding and authorize the president sign the contract.

Capital Funding Request: North Gate Road to Northwood Road Traffic Calming Measures MOVED to award a contract to MJ Jurado to make improvements at North Gate Road to Northwood Road as detailed out in specifications dated July 27, including the addition of pavement markings, signage, and trees to help calm traffic in this area for a total cost not to exceed $9,870 capital funding and authorize the president sign the contract.

Capital Funding Request: Golf Course – Add Sidewalk Behind First Tee MOTION failed for Golf

Course – Add Sidewalk Behind First Tee.

Capital Funding Request: West End Bocce Ball at Clubhouse Two

MOVED to install a concrete pad and railing at the west end of the Bocce ball court at clubhouse 2 to mirror the east end at a cost not to exceed $5,000 capital funding and authorize the president to sign the contract.

Approve Increase of Permit Fee for Modification of Residence MOVED increase the current permit fee charged to members when making modifications to their residence from 1% to 1.25% effective January 1, 2023.

TENTATIVE VOTE: Adopt 60-5000-1, Use of Community Facilities, Dumpsters at 1.8 Acres -Rules MOVED to adopt policy 605000-1, Use of Community Facilities, Dumpsters at 1.8 Acres - Rules as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on November 22.

Recreation Committee Amend 70-1401-3, Outside Bus Services

MOVED to amend 701401-3, Outside Bus Services, to include new rules concerning Tour Buses Contracted by GRF clubs and organizations, as presented.

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