Letters to the Editor
On behalf of the dogs and cats of the Seal Beach Animal Care Center, we wish to thank all those wonderful Leisure World residents who came out and supported us at the Eagles Amphitheater show event. Thanks to your generous donations, we raised $1,200 and a huge truckful of items that will be put to great use for our pets.
And thank you to the Paws, Claws and Beaks Club for its help in staffing this event.
The winners of the gift cards were: Joe Buranete, California Pizza Kitchen; Dorothy Palaski, Home Goods; and one anonymous winner.
Thanks again to all of you and we will see you next year!
Christina Miller Fundraising Manager Seal Beach Animal Care Editor:
Regarding the article on GRF’s investigation of enhancing earned income (Page 1, Sept. 15), I like the idea of having small, beneficial businesses on-site.
The only place currently selling any commercial products or services is the pharmacy in the Optum Health Care Center.
Imagine how convenient it would be to have a hair/nail salon, barbershop, massage, gardening accessories, snack foods, kitchen accessories, basic consumables like tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, maybe liquor, hot coffee and more located on-site and within walking distance for most residents.
The “mini shops” could be located somewhere next to the on-site post office.
Local businesses could open small “satellite” branches on site, thus preserving our support of them.
We could spend our money there knowing we’d be getting a return in lowered HOA fees. We would reduce the expense of driving off-site to do some of our shopping. We would be mingling with other LWers and maybe making new friends or at least enjoying the feeling of community.
If GRF is truly going to study this proposal, I recommend surveying residents about what amenities they would prefer to see here (in order of preference). For example, my top ask would be for a barbershop.
I’m sure an on-site coffee shop would be hugely popular.
Mike Stabile Mutual 1 Editor:
It’s the little things that make senior life easier. So, when I read about the cancellation of the battery drop-off (Sept. 22), I had to ask why? Too costly, they say. Leisure World residents have been directed to drop off the batteries at the Rainbow Recycling facility. Really?
Recently, I went there to deliver unused paint. I can just imagine an octagerian with a bag of 10 batteries trying to negotiate the large rumbling garbage trucks as they enter and exit the facility.
And what about those unable to drive?
May I offer a suggestion? Please maintain the battery drop off. Each month, or as needed, a volunteer from a service club or a LW staff member could take them to the recycling facility. An hour’s worth of time and $10 in gas is very cost-effective, don’t you think?
Also, we will be keeping the landfills free of toxic battery acid. The last two of the Leisure Weekly issues contained front page articles explaining why our assessments must go up. They also stated how fortunate we are to live her with all the wonderful amenities available to us. Not so, if you are stripping them away, one by one. Please remember, it’s the little things that matter.
Suzanne Dunwell Mutual 6 Editor:
I’ve noticed that cardboard boxes often fill the recycle bin. This doesn’t leave much space in the bin for other recyclable materials. I break down my boxes and would like to remind residents to do the same. Maybe signs with instructions on proper recycling methods could be posted by the recycle bins to help people remember.
Vonnee T. Peterson Mutual 1