Community Karaoke
Walt Bier and Bob Barnum performed “My Way,” a timeless hit, to entertain the karaoke crowd. Carmen Edwards sang the sultry “Stormy Weather.” Eric Voge gave the audience a catchy “From a Jack to a King.” Anna Le was a hit with “I Will Survive.” “Among My Souvenirs” was nicely sung by Julie Nulad. Ric Dizon was energetic with Elvis’ “Let It Be Me.” A southern gospel tune by Pat Kogok was followed by a ballad smoothly sung by Richard Yokomi.
Next week the club will have sandwiches for everyone to welcome the fall season. The club meets in Clubhouse 1 beginning at 5:30 p.m. A casual practice session is every Monday upstairs in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m. For more information, call Margie Thompson at (562) 493-0484.