Improve your balance through Joyful Line Dance
Joyful Line Dance has multiple leaders who take turns teaching, a concept that works well to avoid the burden of responsibilities for one person. Everyone is welcome to attend a class taught by new instructor Noly Anglo.
Other teachers include Albert Comia, Gladys Comia, Jojo Weingart, Noly Anglo, Connie Peck, Caryn Lynn Stel, Kelly Johnson, Anna Derby, Chung Cha Lewis, George Pinada and Sunny Kim. While Albert and Gladys Comia take time off from teaching, Weingart will fill in with her artistic style and beautiful personality for the next two weeks.
Due to safety and health concerns, classes are limited to 35, first-come, first-served.
Face masks and exercise shoes are recommended for safety issues.
Anyone wearing inappropriate footwear will be turned away; no sandals or flip flops. No fees or membership are required.
For more information, call (562) 301-5339.
—Anna Derby