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On Aug. 20, Mutual 12 ….

On Aug. 20, Mutual 12 …. On Aug. 20, Mutual 12 ….

On Aug. 20, Mutual 12 resident of 34 years Lyndell Phillips (front) celebrated her 100th birthday with her son Roland, grandson Justin and great-grandson Channing. The cen - tenarian was elated to see Justin and Channing, who flew in from Cincinnati for the occasion and to enjoy Channing's 13th birthday on Aug. 19. Friends Debbie, Heather and Cathy Schuster, who used to work with Lyndell at the LW Health Care Center, were there to wish her many happy returns. The Hui O Hula club entertained neighbors and friends with music and dance and there was a cake that read "The First Century Is The Hardest." Lyndell is always bright and cheery, and everyone is looking forward to more of her birthdays and to hopefully be like her one day.

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