Mutual Meetings
Mutual residents are invited to attend the open meetings of their mutual boards. The following is a tentative schedule. Thurs., Sept. 1 Presidents’ Council Clubhouse4/Zoom ........................9a.m. Tues., Sept. 6 Mutual 17 Conf. Rm A/Zoom .....................1:30 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 8 Mutual 12 Conf.RmA/Zoom .........................9a.m. Fri., Sept. 9 Mutual 3 Conf. Rm A/Zoom .......................... 9 a.m. Mon., Sept. 12 Mutual 9 Conf.A/Zoom ................................9a.m. Tues., Sept. 13 Mutual 16 Conf. Rm A/Zoom ..........................1 p.m. Wed., Sept. 14 Mutual 4 (open forum, 8:30 a.m.) Conf.A/Zoom ...........................8:45a.m. Thurs., Sept. 15 Mutual 2 Conf. Rm A/Zoom .......................... 9 a.m. Thurs., Sept. 15 Mutual 11 Conf. Rm B/Zoom .....................1:30 p.m.