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Letters to the Editor


In light of the recent California state legislation concerning electric vehicles, I am curious as to the long-term plans for charging stations in Leisure World. When I asked my mutual board, I was told that there will be charging stations outside the south gate. Given the number of residents in Leisure World, this does not seem like a realistic solution. I would like to see information reported concerning the long-term plans. Will our parking locations be equipped with charging stations that can be billed to our individual units or with a credit card? Are there —or will there be—grants available to help subsidize the cost of creating adequate charging facilities? Many of us will not be around when this law takes full effect, but I believe we have a responsibility for future residents to provide adequate charging facilities to support this new mode of “fueling” our vehicles.

Cheryl Kelly Mutual 6 Editor:

For over three years, the grounds of the neighborhood United States Post Office branch on Westminster Avenue have been in a constant state of neglect with untrimmed and overgrown bushes, an abundance of weeds over six feet high and litter that is allowed to accumulate.

After watching this ongoing neglect, I finally had my Popeye moment of “can’t stand it no more.” So, I sent a complaint to USPS, not expecting a reply. Well, to my surprise, I received a quick response from the branch’s Postmaster who agreed with my observation of neglect but then shared her frustration that they “can’t get funding” to do this landscape maintenance. Huh? I then waited a few weeks thinking they could maybe find a way to clean this mess out of basic pride.

Nada. This leaves me to wonder why the feds can spend taxpayer billions here and even trillions there but can’t find some hope and loose change in a desk drawer to restore some pride and maintain their rather small property?

I recently upped the ante and contacted the City of Seal Beach and our Congresswoman Michelle Steel about this. So far, the city has been responsive but is limited in its options to hold a federal agency responsible as they would any other property owner.

Yes, we all agree there are way bigger fish to fry, but if the feds can’t handle this tiny guppy of an issue, how can we set aside partisan bickering and expect D.C. to handle the big fish fry issues? I’m running low on trust .

Lee Howell Mutual 5 Editor:

I would like to address this letter to the writer of a letter (Aug. 18) who stated an abortion is not the death of a child. It is called a fetus in the womb, a baby after it is born until about one year, and a toddler until about three or four years. They are termed pre-schoolers, middle schoolers, junior high and high school students. All their tissues of their bodies are distinctly human during all of these years. I have degrees in nursing administration and a bachelor’s in human science. At one time, I was in charge of a neonatal nursery and the smallest baby we had at that time weighed one pound, eight ounces. She was discharged when she weighed five pounds. Much more has now been learned about the unborn baby. We know the heart starts beating in the first months, and the baby’s fingerprints are formed around 17 weeks. Persons who say they are respecting a woman’s rights are forgetting that many babies in pregnant women are little girls waiting to become women.

The new laws are more helpful if the pregnant woman knows she can’t raise a baby. Papers can be signed in hospitals that allow for immediate adoption or the child can later be safely left at a fire or police station. My huband and I have five children, two planned and three surprises. We both worked full time through the child-rearing years and completed our educations, as well. We thank God for the five children and 14 grandchildren we call family.

Marge Dodero Mutual 9 Editor:

I recently moved to Leisure World last year at the age of 55. I have been loving the concerts, activities and the safety of living here.

I was wondering if there is a 55-65 year old meet-up group here. I believe that its existence would greatly appeal to many 55-plus in moving into this fabulous community.

Dee Ulit Mutual 14

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