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Guided nature walk, orientation set for Sept. 3

Guided nature walk, orientation set for Sept. 3 Guided nature walk, orientation set for Sept. 3


A Raptor Ramble guided walk on the Hellman portion of Los Cerritos Wetlands will be held at 8 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 3. The parking lot gate will open at 7:45 a.m. and close at 8:10 a.m. No latecomers will be admitted for the tour, and all participants must stay for the entire tour, which will end by 10 a.m.

Meet in the driveway/parking area at the corner of First Street and Pacific Coast Highway in Seal Beach. Close-toed shoes are required, and kids under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

For more information about the Raptor Ramble nature walk or to RSVP (which is now required), log on to https:// and enter Los Cerritos Wetlands in the search bar.

Educators from the environmental consulting firm Tidal Influence will begin the event with a brief orientation about Los Cerritos Wetlands.

People will then stroll through heritage coastal sage scrub and historic dredge spoils while looking for raptors (birds of prey) and a number of other species that nest in the area. As walkers pass salt flats, they may see tiger beetles and coyote tracks before hiking up to the Heron Pointe Cultural trail to discuss how tidal circulation shapes local wetlands. The walk will end at the access parking area. People can bring binoculars to observe many kinds of interesting wildlife.

Los Cerritos Wetlands

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