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Cribbage Club

Jack Hawn provided refreshments for 46 cribbage players Aug. 23. Margaret Smith assisted him in serving cake and ice cream to the group in celebration of a “Happy Cribbage Day.”

Other snacks included chips and mixture of nuts.

Winners for the day were: first place: Jesus Sosa with a score of 844; second: Franca Yeske with 825; third: Jorge Moy with 823; and fourth: Donna Morgan with 821.

Cribbage Club meetings are held on Tuesdays. Refreshments are served at noon each week. Members are encouraged to arrive by 12:15 p.m. to be guaranteed a place at the table. Partners are not needed. Those who want to learn how to play cribbage, to brush up on the game or to learn more about the club, call and leave a message with Terry Thrift at (714) 394-5885.

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