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2022 Paving Project

Phases 3 and 4 of the 2022 GRF Paving Project started Aug. 22 and continue until the end of October.

Phase 3 work is as follows:

•El Dorado Drive: grind and overlay with curb work.

•Northwood Road: grind and overlay with curb work. Phase 4 work is as follows:

• McKinney Way

• Del Monte Drive

• Shawnee Lane

• North Fairfield Lane

• Prestwick Road

• Homewood Road

• Sunningdale Road

• Tam O’ Shanter Road

• Twin Hills Drive Each phase takes about 4-6 weeks to complete. Drivers and pedestrians should use caution in construction zones.

The GRF Board awarded a $2.6 million contract to MJ Jurado for resurfacing, slurry and other work on a total of 18 LW streets.

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